Kubera puja set
Kubera puja set
Lord Kubera, the 'treasurer of the gods' and 'king of Yaksha' represents wealth, prosperity and glory. It is said that those who worship Lord Kubera on Dhanteras and Diwali are blessed with wealth and prosperity.
Lakshmi Kuber Coins, the essence of wealth and prosperity, is a beautiful collection of 108 brass coins polished with gold, embossed with Goddess Lakshmi on one side and then Lord Kubera with his wife on the other side.
Gubera coins are to be used for archana while chanting 108 Lakshmi mantras during Lakshmi Kuber Pooja. It is important to first offer Kubera a significant amount of wealth by placing that wealth on the puja table. Also offering this gift of wealth opens the channel to receive wealth in return.
How do I get blessings from Lord Kubera?
Meditate in front of the Kuber Yantra Daily
Take an aromatic incense stick and rotate it in front of the kuber yantra. Now sit straight and face the yantra. Start chanting the Lord Kuber mantra while focusing fully on the Yantra. Only your wish should be in your head
What are the benefits of Kuber?
Kuber Mantra is a powerful mantra that has the potential to bestow money, health, wealth, and prosperity to those who chant it regularly. When one praises Kuber and chants his mantra, he will get all the fortune that he needs to grow financially.
Is it good to keep Kuber at home?
Because the North Zone is the home of Lord Kuber, the God of Wealth, you can erect a statue of him there. This will improve your luck with money. You don't have to pray to him, but he deserves to be respected. Lord Kuber can also be kept in your locker.
Why do we worship Kuber?
Worship. As the treasurer of the riches of the world, Kubera is prescribed to be worshipped. Kubera also credited money to the god Venkateshwara (a form of the god Vishnu) for his marriage with Padmavati.
How do I increase my wealthy luck?
To attract money you should place a Kuber yantra in the house, rearrange the kitchen, and keep the house clutter-free. You must also fix water leakage if there is any and place an aquarium in the northeast direction. These are a few Feng Shui for wealth tips to attract prosperity and wealth.
How do Kuber idols worship?
Light an oil or ghee lamp and place it on top of the rice. Place the idols of Lord Kuber, Goddess Lakshmi and to her left, place the idol of God Ganesha, as no Hindu auspicious ritual can start without worshipping him and all the offerings must be done to him first.
How do you worship Kuber Yantra?
You must chant the mantra of Kuber while meditating on it. The Kuber mantra is “Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kuberaya Namaha”. When you do this, you will get wealth and success. For best results, chant the mantra a minimum of 21 times and a maximum of 108 times a day, as it is the best way to please Lord Kuber.
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Apart from the above mentioned uses there are many other uses and benefits of Kubera puja set which can be felt while using.
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