Diamond kalkandu
Diamond Kalkandu:
Mishri or rock sugar is crystallized sugar and has its origin in India. It is commonly offered to Hindu Gods especially Lord Krishna, as it was his favourite sweet. . As mishri is unrefined form of sugar, it is known to be healthy as compared to table sugar.mishri is widely used as a refreshing drink during summers.
This is a reason for using mishri in various sweet preparations, right from confectioneries like lollipops and chocolates to sweet drinks like panna. Kalkandu or white rock sugar candy is also known as a sweetener in many Ayurvedic medicines. Its white texture and small rock-like appearance give it a uniqueness
kalkandu online are taken from the flower of the palm tree. It is made from the extract of the inflorescence of the palm tree, boiled until it becomes syrup, and then allowed to cool. Then it is formed into crystals of different sizes and shapes.
Buy white rock sugar candy is a crystalline sweetener, a natural product with no extra preservatives.
Sugar Candy online shopping,It is also used as an ingredient in traditional South Asian dishes such as desserts, curries, and sauces.
The Kalkandu resembles honey in liquid form while its granular form resembles white sugar. Kalkandu online contains inositol which is rich in Vitamin B & Vitamin 8 needed for healthy cells and as a substitute for folic acid, thiamine, choline, and riboflavin. Kalkandam when mixed with certain ingredients has great nutritional value and can be used to cure many diseases like persistent colds and coughs.
It can be used to lower body temperature and also lower the cholesterol content in the body. It is also used as an ingredient in traditional South Asian cuisines like desserts, curries, and sauces. Kalkandam in liquid form resembles honey while its granular form looks like white sugar.
To know about the method to use karkandu in tamil , watch this video
To know how to use karkandu for endless wealth in tamil , watch this video
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Apart from the above mentioned uses there are many other uses and benefits of Diamond kalkandu which can be felt while using.