Devadar stick or Deodar stick
Devadar stick
Devadar stick treat fever, hemorrhoids, pulmonary urinary disorders, insomnia, rheumatism, and diabetes. For instance, Some fragrances are nature's own blend and nearly impossible to duplicate. Devadar stick are timeless and unaffected by trends and fashions. Without a doubt, Cedar is one such fragrance.
The English name Deodar comes from the Sanskrit Devadaru. "Deva" means God and "Daru" means wood. The meaning of Devadaru is therefore, "the wood of the Gods." The Himalayan Deodar, or Cedar wood tree is considered sacred. Forests of Devadaru trees were said to be a favourite place of the Sages worshiping Lord Shiva. There is a spiritual energy which extends from the place where a Devadaru tree is growing. The energy of the tree creates a mystical window for the Devas to see into the physical realm. Its wood is a fitting substitute for sandalwood for pujas and tilakams.
All parts of this plant are used for various medicinal benefits.Devdaru also called as Deodar or Himalayan Cedar is popular known as the ‘Wood of Gods’. All parts of this plant are used for various medicinal benefits.
Devdaru helps to relieve cough by removing mucus from the respiratory tract due to its expectorant property. It might also be beneficial in managing asthma by increasing the movements of the respiratory tract due to its antispasmodic activity. Devdaru might be good for diabetics as it helps manage the blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin secretion. It also helps to calm the mind and improve sleep pattern thereby managing insomnia.
Devdaru stick obtained from Devdaru trees has many benefits. This oil can be applied on the body to manage fever by increasing sweating due to its diaphoretic (sweat-inducing) property.
It can be applied to the joints to manage problems such as inflammation and pain related to arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory property. Devdaru oil can also be applied on wounds to prevent infections and speed up wound healing due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory property. Applying Devdaru leaf paste on your skin can also help prevent skin infections as well as itching due to its antifungal property
Devdaru is beneficial in managing certain skin problems such as inflammation, wrinkles, acne or any infection which generally occurs due to an imbalance of Vata and Kapha dosha. The Vata-Kapha balancing and Snigdha (oily) properties of Devdaru helps to prevent dry skin.
What is the benefits of deodar wood?
Relieves Pain And Inflammation
Enriched with strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties of the bio-active components, Deodar makes for an extensive remedy from pain and inflammation in case of arthritis and joint pain.
Cough and Cold
Devdaru helps to control cough when taken orally. A cough is a common ailment which usually happens with cold. It is commonly known as Kapha disorder in Ayurveda. A cough is generally caused by the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. Taking Devdaru helps to balance Kapha and expel out excessive mucus from the lungs. This is because of its Kapha balancing and Ushna (hot) potency.
An increase in weight is due to unhealthy food habits and lifestyle which leads to a weak digestive fire. This increases accumulation of Ama causing an imbalance in Meda dhatu and thus resulting in obesity. Devdaru is useful to control obesity as it helps improve metabolism and reduce Ama. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties.
To know more about the benefits of Devadar stick in tamil , watch this video
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Apart from the above mentioned uses , there are many uses and benefits of Devadar stick that can be felt while using
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